
时间:2025-01-10 20:22:29来源:枯株朽木网 作者:焦点



英国的跨专心理学发展很成熟,开设的业申课程种类广泛,兼具学术研究性与实践性。心理学硕相信了解过心理学的士说同学们都知道,在英国想要读心理学硕士,跨专是业申要有英国心里学会BPS(BritishPsychological Society)认证的GBC(GraduateBasis for Chartered Membership)资格的,要怎么获得这个资格呢?心理学硕那就需要你本科是在英国读的心理学。那作为一个海外留学生,士说要怎么才能绕开“本科在英国读心理学”这个不可能达到的跨专条件,而成功在英国读心理学硕士呢?业申——你需要Conversion转换课程。


要说Conversion课程就要先说下英国心理学会BPS的心理学硕等级构成,分为三级,本科在学会认可的英国院校读心理学后会成为第一级会员Student Membership;成功读完心理学课程后就会获得第二级Graduate Membership(也称作Graduate Basis for CharteredMembership,也就是GBC,当然也不是所有学心理学的学生都能“连锅端”的获得GBC的,也是要完成学业通过考核才行的哈~);再往上就是最高级的Chartered Membership,必须要达到这个等级才能成为英国的特许心理学家。


对于海外留学生而言,少了第一级Student Membership的铺垫,要想读心理学,怎么办?







MScPsychological Sciences心理科学

ThePsychological Sciences MSc is designed to confer Graduate Basis for CharteredMembership (GBC) with the British Psychological Society (BPS). GBC is the formof professional accreditation that is required for many careers that you maypursue with a psychology degree, as well as for advanced professional trainingin psychology. This is a conversion course.



MScPsychology of Mental Health (Conversion) 心理健康心理学

Thisis a professionally accredited new programme that offers you the opportunity tostudy psychology to graduate level and become eligible for graduate basis forchartered membership (GBC) of the British Psychological Society.



MScHealth Psychology健康心理学

Forthe MSc to be recognised by the BPS as the Stage 1 qualification for becoming aHealth Psychologist, you need to hold Graduate Basis for Chartership (GBC). Youcan join the MSc without holding GBC, but for the MSc to be recognised as aBPS-accredited Stage 1 qualification, you will need to gain GBC.



MScExperimental Psychology (conversion)实验心理学

Graduateslooking for a psychology conversion course are often interested in specificcareers as chartered psychologists (eg educational or clinical psychologists).This programme prepares non-psychology graduates for the further postgraduatestudy needed to pursue these career paths. More generally, the programmeprovides non-psychology graduates with psychological knowledge and a range ofgeneric, transferable skills that are directly relevant to a wide variety ofcareers, such as health, education, marketing, scientific and legalconsultancy, banking and finance, human resources, media and the public sector.



MScPsychological Studies (conversion)心理学研究

Thisis a conversion degree for students who have no previous studies in the area ofpsychology. You will have the opportunity of a change in direction, to pursue acareer, either academic or professional, in psychology. Successful completionof this programme makes you eligible for BPS Graduate Basis for Charteredmembership (GBC).



MScPsychology and Education (Conversion) 心理学与教育

OurMSc Psychology and Education (Conversion) is a unique, intensive, one-yearfull-time course. It is accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS). Thiscourse is designed for students who don't have a formal psychologyqualification.



MScPsychology Conversion心理学

Thisnewly developed master’s programme has been designed for those who have aninterest in psychology and want to follow a course that is fully accredited bythe British Psychological Society (BPS).



MScPsychology (Conversion)心理学

Our intensive andcompetitive MSc Psychology (Conversion) course is designed to let you pursue acareer change into psychology. We also welcome applications if you already havea degree in psychology and need another degree to gain the graduate basis for charteredmembership with the British Psychological Society (BPS).
