Be memorable. The 美国essay part of the application isimportant because it gives us more insight into who you are and who you want tobe. Make us remember you! Be prepared. Take time to think about and brainstormyour message. Create an outline, write a good first draft, and edit multipletimes. Be yourself. We want to know more about you, so behonest and let us into your world. Instead of making broad statements aboutwhat you want to do, give specific examples from high school or extracurricularactivities. And don’t be afraid to add your personal style and voice to yourwriting! Be direct. You only have a couple of paragraphs totell us about your experiences and goals. Choose your words wisely. Be focused. It's not necessary for you to repeatinformation that’s already elsewhere in your application. Stay focused onexplaining how those credentials and qualifications will lead to a successfulfuture here. Be professional. Submitting a sloppy-looking essay withspelling errors and glaring mistakes sends us the message that you’re notserious about Illinois. Proofread your essays and ask your counselor, yourEnglish teacher, or a parent to take a second look.
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