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来源:枯株朽木网 编辑:时尚 时间:2025-01-10 18:20:28







 The 国进ComputerScience and Engineering Department is not involved in the UC San Diego admissions process. 首先告诉你计算机科学和工程系不参与大学的招生过程。

 Capped Major status means there is 入名a cap on the number of studentsadmitted to the major。然后告诉你这个专业CSE是专业有限制的

Students who were admitted to UC San Diego, butnot directly into a CSEmajor will need to apply competitively after enrolling at UC San Diegoand completing eligibility criteria courses.告诉你被加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UC San Diego)录取的学生,但没直接录入CSE专业的成绩学生,在进入大学后要完成合格标准课程后,不够需要重新申请。优秀样曲


UC San Diegoundergraduate students are 线救admitted into one of six unique colleges 本科生被录取到6个独特的学院.  Tograduate, students must fulfill requirements for the major as well as generaleducation requirements.学生需要完成专业要求及通识课程要求。The 国进requirements for the CSE majors (or any other major) arealways the same, but the general education requirements will vary by college. 计算机的专业课程基本是一样的,但是入名通识课程根据学院的不同而不同。 There are 专业CSE majors in each of the colleges,and the choice of college should be based on the student's academic interestsoutside of the major.在每个学院里面都有计算机科学和工程专业的课程,根据学生的成绩专业外的学术兴趣来选择。


  • All non-CSE majors must apply to change into a CSE major:  MyJSOE MAJOR CHANGE APPLICATION
  • All students already in a CSE major must apply to change into another CSE major: My Triton Link
  • CSE WILL REVIEW APPLICANTS TO ALL OF OUR MAJORS AS ONE LARGE POOL!   There is no advantage to requesting one major over another.  For this reason, select what is truly your First Choice CSE major.这句话告诉你计算机科学和工程学院里面所有的专业一视同仁,你放心选择自己最喜欢的专业就可以了。
  • Students who meet the 3.3 GPA cutoff for screening courses will be entered into a lottery.Students will be randomly selected until the open number of seats in CSE are filled.这句是个有意思的事情哈。GPA3.3是个截点,满足这个成绩的学生会开始抽签选择。
  • 3.3 GPA cutoff will be based on grades received in the UC San Diego CSE screening courses.这个3.3 还不是随便选择的哈,而是指定一些课程去计算出的GPA  
  • Students may apply for a change of major into the CSE department a maximum of two times (not including applications submitted previous to the 2017-2018 academic year)最多可以2次申请转专业到CSE部门

How many studentswill be accepted during each application? 

For the 2018 Springand 2018 Summer applications, we will accept 75students in each application cycle. 每一轮申请录取75个学生,加州系统采取quarter 制,因此一年能录取300个学生。

What are theeligibility requirements for submitting an application? 递交申请前面要学的课程 ---这就是去没有被最想录取的专业录取去学校后第一件事情,选择合适的课程!!!而不是想选什么就选择什么。

  • Minimum of eight units completed at UC San Diego for a letter grade, drawn from the following screening courses: CSE 8B or CSE 11, CSE 12, CSE 15L, CSE 20 (or MATH 15A or MATH 109), CSE 21, CSE 30, and CSE 100.
  • All of the following eligibility courses (or their accepted equivalent) must have been completed prior to application: CSE 8B or 11, CSE 12, CSE 15L, and CSE 20 (or MATH 15A or MATH 109). If taken at UC San Diego, courses must be completed with a letter grade.

Whatcourses will be used to calculate the GPA for the change of major application? 

All of the following screening courses that have been taken atUCSD (or their approved petitioned equivalent) will be used to calculate theGPA for the change of major application: CSE 8B or 11, CSE 12, CSE 15L, CSE 20, CSE 21, CSE 30,and CSE 100.必须选择的课程

If I am interested in a CSE major, what should I do?

  • We recommend you first take some time to assess whether a CSE major is the best one for you. 首先花费时间来评估CSE专业是否是你的最佳选择。
  • Take some CSE courses at UCSD.  Did you earn strong grades?  Do you have a real passion for the field?   The answer to both should be "Yes"!
  • Visit the Career Services Center and your College Adviser to discuss your academic and career goals.  Use their resources to identify all the majors that may be a good fit for you and explore each of them. 
  • Consider your academic level.  Normally we recommend that students change into the CSE major by Fall quarter of their junior year, at the latest. Also, the colleges may block a change of major for students with advanced standing.最晚最晚需要在大三的秋季申请成功进入哈,也就是在你完成3.3的GPA必须要的课程后就马上开始申请,一年有4次申请的机会,直到你大三秋季。你越早规划好你的课程,就越早开始抽签进入直到你完全不可能。


I was not admitted into one of the CSE CappedMajors and am currently Undeclared or other major.   If I hope to change intoa CSE major in a future quarter, what should I do prior to applying?

  • Can CSE be your "back up plan?"  Explore open majors -- is there one that meets your academic and career goals?  Popular choices are Math CS, Cognitive Science, ICAM, Bioinformatics (via Biology or Chem/Biochem)选择备用专业去避开竞争,计算机,认知科学,生物信息等专业也可也满足职业目标,不是非要在CSE这一棵树上吊死吧 哈哈
  • Enroll in the CSE courses that are required to meet eligibility requirements for applying to the major (see above).自己选课,选择CSE的课程
  • These courses also fulfill requirements for the major, which means you will be making progress toward the degree by taking them.   
  • Talk with your undergraduate college adviser to determine which General Education courses to take.和你的adviser聊聊去决定GE选择什么样的课程
  • Did you earn strong grades in CSE courses?  Have you developed a real passion for the field?  If the answer to both is "Yes!", then you should proceed with the application process (see below).

·        Will CSE courses remain open to allmajors? 学校给你希望哦,CSE课程任何专业的学生都可以学习的哈

·        Yes. We will make as many seats available aspossible for non-CSE majors, especially in the courses that are required forapplication to the major (see below).   Weoffer these courses every quarter, so do not despair if you do not get a seatthe first quarter you try! Work with your College Adviser to decide what General Education courses youcould take instead, or take a course in another major you are contemplating.  See also Enrolling in CSE Courses.

如果实在不能选择CSE 你可以考虑如下专业作为你的备选。



综上所述,要么你特别牛,很好的GPA 很好的托福,SAT及软性背景,你能选择牛校,也能直接成为拿到名校专业的录取;要么你选择一个计算机专业好录取的学校,就不要太在乎学校的综合排名;第三个专业就是曲线救国,去了好学校后再想办法往好专业转,但是注意一开始就按照我教你的方法去做,去规划直到成功,当然也要做好失败的准备。




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