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卡迪夫商学院 MBA奖学金

时间:2025-01-10 19:20:53 来源:网络整理 编辑:休闲


Cardiff University 卡迪夫大学 商学院Don Barry MBA奖学金信息 Cardiff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship,该奖学

Cardiff University 卡迪夫大学 商学院Don Barry MBA奖学金信息
Cardiff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship,卡迪该奖学金信息可参考官网链接:http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/international/funding-and-fees/international-scholarships/postgraduate-taught-scholarships/don-barry-mba-scholarship




·        Youmust pay your deposit by the deadline stated in your original/first offer unlessyou are 夫商granted a deposit extension

·        Youmust accept your offer and meet all the offer conditions, including any EnglishLanguage conditions as stated in your offer, by 14thSeptember 2018.

·        Applicantswho do not meet the conditions of their offer will not be eligible for the CardiffBusiness School Don Barry MBA Scholarship.

·        TheCardiff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship is only available to eligiblestudents studying on the full-time MBA programme

·        Theapplication must be submitted to ahss-scholarships@cardiff.ac.uk with a deadline of midnight Tuesday31stJuly 2018 (UK time)

·        Winnerto be announced via email on Friday 10thAugust 2018


Terms and Conditions

1.0    TheCardiff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship is a £10,000 award applied toyour first year of study only. There is only one scholarship available.

1.1    Thiswill be awarded in the form of a tuition fee discount only and cannot be usedin place of any required deposit. No cash alternative is available.

2.0    TheCardiff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship is for entry into CardiffUniversity in the autumn semester of academic year 2018/19 only and cannot beused for 2019/20 entry or any other year of entry.

2.1    Ifyou are awarded the scholarship and wish to defer your entry to the Universityyour scholarship will not be transferred. However, you will be eligible toapply for scholarships applicable for 2019/20 entry.

3.0    Futurerequests for further funding will not be considered under this scheme.

4.0    Applicantswho are in receipt of any other scholarship, bursary, funding or discount willnot be eligible for this Scholarship.

5.0    TheCardiff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship is available for full-timeand Cardiff campus based programmes only.

6.0    Youmust be confirmed as an Overseas Student for fee paying purposes (thisinformation is contained in your offer letter).*

7.0    TheCardiff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship is only available toself-funded students.

7.1    Ifyou are in receipt of funding (consisting of either tuition fees or tuitionfees and living costs) from an external body which will be invoiced by theUniversity for fees (such as Government, charity or a private organisation) youare not eligible for the Cardiff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship. 

7.2    Thisexcludes students in receipt of educational loans.

8.0    TheCardiff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship is not available to studentswho are initially awarded the scholarship but, following enrolment at theUniversity, subsequently transfer to an academic programme which is noteligible for the award of the scholarship.


9.0    Youmust be able to satisfy all financial requirements as part of your visaapplication for study in the UK. You should not be solely relying on receiving theCardiff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship to meet the UKVI financialrequirements. Further information on UKVI financial requirements for visaapplications can be found on this web link.

10.0 Pleaseensure that you have left sufficient time for your application and supportingdocuments to be reviewed and processed before the acceptance deadline notedabove.  This can take up to 10 workingdays.  Please contact the AdmissionsOffice should you have any problems submitting your application ordocuments.  Tel: +44 (0) 2920 879999 –office hours are 09.00 – 17.00 GMT, Monday – Friday.

If you arenot sure about your eligibility for the scholarship or have any queries, pleasecontact the International Office for advice at ahss-scholarships@cardiff.ac.uk


*If you are assessedas eligible to pay Homefees as the resultof a fee query, your feestatus will be amended to Homeand you will not be eligible for the Cardiff Business School DonBarry MBA Scholarship.


