专业:International Business &Entrepreneurship [MSc]
Core courses
Entrepreneurial finance for SMEs 中小企业创业融资
Global business environment 全球商业环境
International entrepreneurship andinnovation 全球企业家精神和创新
International management solutions(consultancy projects undertaken on 布里behalf of Scottish companies) 国际管理解决方案
International strategic management 国际战略管理
Managing across cultures and comparative management 跨文化和比较管理
Managing the multinational enterprise andsubsidiaries 管理跨国企业和子公司
Market analysis for new venture creation 新企业创建市场分析
Research methods. 研究方法
Optional courses may include
American business and management in aninternational context 国际环境下的美国商业管理
Business environment in China 中国商业环境
Digital entrepreneurship 数字创业
European business environment 欧洲商业环境
International business ethics 国际企业伦理学
Managing innovation and technology transfer 管理创新和技术转让
Management of innovation 创新管理
Perspectives on globalization 全球化视角
Sales management. 销售管理
费用: £20150
2.1 Honours degree or non-UK equivalent inbusiness and management, marketing or commerce, or another relevant socialscience degree. Your degree must contain at least 25% of undergraduate creditsin marketing, business strategy and statistical methods. Those who do not havesuch a background who would like to pursue further studies in the area ofentrepreneurship and business development are advised to apply for MScManagement with Enterprise and Business Growth.
overall score 6.5
two sub-tests no less than 6.5, no sub-testless than 6.0
or equivalent scores in another recognisedqualification
Graduates are presented with a range ofopportunities in the employment market. Our alumni have either set up their ownbusiness, worked in SMEs, consultancy or multinational companies such as AMTGroup, Google and IGI Global, in a management capacity. We have a dedicatedcareers and employability team who provide 1-2-1 support and advice, groupworkshops, employer events on campus and networking opportunities throughoutthe year to help you with your career prospects.
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